There was 3-D exegesis going on in these regions, over-the-border transfer of primary forms, the lump of China for example curtailing forest use in Hungary from across the Rumanian border.... Mr. Jones, he-man reporter, collided with the downfall of Europe and primed his assistant for battle. "The ways of the slurping of power from out the navel of essence around these parts can be listed in twos: hitting and slapping, licking and slurping, ducking and bobbing, et cetera. Now to capture the frame for the natives of home, our own native home, flesh and its blood of our blood of our flesh, you have to duck! and bob! and generally practice the elements, remembering 'honest Pantagruel,' clearest struggle. Do you read?"

Europe was also gathering moss in the woods of Taiwan....

"Hakakakaka," cried the United States, which had the highest heart disease. "Draconian torture your lot if you do not report. If you do not spring the paling of origins from its roost in that waste of all wastes, your mind in Europe...."

Mr. Jones addressed his assistant: "The abstract behind is also your field. You glance at the tucks, the creases, the hangingest bites you can clutch in the deepest abstract behind, the deepest abstraction behind...."

The assistant writes to the chamber of men: "In a word, the one goes into the other. Fire fans fire and death goes stumbling on death, in the yard of Old Man Europe. It is more than difficult, and legend succumbs to less honest legend." The chamber of men goes wild.

There was 3-D exegesis going on in these parts, but it was behind the scenes and a long time in coming, and well-shaven old men drank coffee for years with their friends, smoking costly cigars, reading books about fear and despair, giving coins to the legless, before the world would see and buy.